The Ipogeo dei Cristallini dates back to more than 2300 years ago. The Vergini area, within the Sanità district, since the 4th century BC. was intended as a necropolis, first with the excavation of chamber tombs (via dei Cristallini, vico Traetta, via Santa Maria Antesaecula), subsequently with the construction of catacomb cemetery complexes (San Gennaro, San Gaudioso, San Severo) and finally with the destination of an immense ossuary quarry (Le Fontanelle).
The Greeks, who then lived in the city of Neapolis when it was still part of Magna Graecia, built some funerary hypogea, building underground tombs in which the remains of the ancient inhabitants of the Neapolitan city rested for millennia.
Among these hypogea stand out the four tombs “dei Cristallini”, so called because they are located in the subsoil of via dei Cristallini and are located precisely under the ancient palace of the Baron di Donato.
In fact, in 1889 the Baron di Donato, looking for water or stone in the subsoil of his family palace, found instead a treasure of Hellenic painting and architecture.
Today it is possible to access the Hypogeum from inside the house number 133 in via dei Cristallini, i.e. where is addressed CASA MAIA :)